New Air Conditioner Installation Coming Up? Staying Cool in the Meantime

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Congratulations! You’re getting ready for a new air conditioner installation. A new air conditioner comes with all sorts of benefits, consistently cool and comfortable indoor temperatures just being one of them. If you are looking forward to a new air conditioner installation, you might be excited for your upcoming AC unit, but roasting in the meantime. Here are a few tips to keep you cool until your air conditioner installation can come through.

getting ready for a new air conditioner installation

First, spend more time in places with air conditioning! There are plenty of free places you can go to enjoy air conditioning, especially if you aren’t comfortable at home without it. Go see a movie, spend some time in the library reading a book, or choose to go grocery shopping instead of getting the delivery service. These are all ways to stay cool in a pinch.

Second, use what you already have at home to stay comfortable. Keep the drapes closed to keep the sunlight and heat from permeating inside, especially in rooms that have direct sunlight. You’ll also want to use things like overhead fans and other fans. A cool bath is often effective right before bedtime!

Finally, schedule your air condition installation for the soonest possible date that you can get it. Air conditioner installation often takes several hours, so making sure that you can block off that time before the mercury really starts rising will be in your best interest, even if it’s inconvenient now.

These are just a few of the ideas that we AC Guys Cooling and Heating Services have that can keep you cool until your air conditioner installation. What ideas do you have to keep cool?

Italian Trulli