Should You Invest in Air Purification for Your Home or Business?

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People are spending more and more time indoors in recent years. In fact, the EPA estimates that Americans spend close to 90% of their time inside. That leaves a lot of room for indoor air pollutants to cause problems. When you consider the fact that many of these pollutants are present in much higher concentrations than they are outside, it makes sense that many people are investing in air purification for their homes and businesses. If you are not sure whether you should do the same, here are a few benefits to consider:

Should You Invest in Air Purification for Your Home or Business?

  • Relieve Allergies and Asthma- Some of the pollutants that can affect your indoor air quality are dust, dirt, pet dander, and pollen. These can trigger symptoms in individuals with asthma or allergies, causing them to have difficulty breathing. However, air purification can help to filter out these contaminants, making a more comfortable environment for everyone.
  • Avoid Getting Sick- Air purification can help you avoid illnesses like the common cold and flu. Because these viruses are transmitted via airborne droplets after someone talks, coughs, or sneezes, air purification is effective at reducing your risk of getting sick.
  • Help with Odors- Air purification can help to reduce odors and make your air smell fresher in some cases. However, they don’t all do it in the same way. Most air purifiers are designed simply to remove particulate matter, which can help if the particles are causing bad smells. To remove odors caused by gases, the air purifier will probably need activated carbon.


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